Typographic Posters for Design Education
Posters advertise products and promote events, carry messages and inform, all through a specific visual language. As the well-known graphic designer Josef Müller-Brockmann wrote: “Posters are barometers of social, economic, political and cultural events and interdependencies, as well as mirrors of intellectual and practical activities, the life-oriented side of human beings.” (Müller-Brockmann, 1971). At the same time, posters give designers the opportunity to express a formal aesthetic on a surface.
Patrik Ferrarelli designed numerous posters for a wide variety of events by Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). The posters received a great deal of attention because of their distinctive typographic design. Patrik conceived, for instance, the visual identity (posters, communications, signal ethics) for the ZHdK’s presence at the first Digital Day Switzerland. In 2016, the poster for the eponymous interdisciplinary workshop Creative Constraints won the prestigious poster prize in the international competition 100 Best Posters Germany, Austria, Switzerland. His posters were also shown at the Poster Triennal in Lahti, Finland, and at the Forward Festival Zurich.