Zurich Made
Swiss Design – Zurich Made
Zurich Made: Emerging Talents from the Department Design, Zurich University of the Arts
Over three days (May 24 – 26, 2018), selected projects by emerging talents from the Department Design at Zurich University of the Arts will take part in 3DaysofDesign at the Designmuseum Danmark in Copenhagen. These projects explore the boundaries of contemporary design creation, and the exhibits probe into new technologies, questions of interactivity and participation, radical forms of communication and positions concerning the sustainability of design. All projects are characterized by a spirit of innovation and experimentation, a thirst for research, visual originality and cultural entrepreneurship. The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive programme of events: workshops and talks will provide insights into design processes and give visitors the opportunity to become actively involved. The Zurich bag manufacturer FREITAG will be represented by a bag designer: the workshop highlight «Live F-Cut» offers the participants the opportunity to cut out their own unique FREITAG-Bag creations using templates and cutters. Experts participating in the talks include Markus Freitag, Founder and Creative Director of FREITAG. The talks are chaired by Swiss Culture Radio livingroom.fm which will broadcast live from Copenhagen for the duration of the 3DaysofDesign.
Zurich Made: Emerging Talents from the Department Design, Zurich University of the Arts, a project promoting young-and-upcoming talent, receives comprehensive support from the Swiss Embassy in Copenhagen and the Department Design at Zurich University of the Arts. On the evening of May 24, 2018, Business and Economic Development Division Zurich in cooperation with the Zurich tourism will host a reception in the assembly hall and take part in the launch of the talk programme at the same venue.
Project Lead / Team
Maike Thies, Research Fellow in the subject area Game Design leads the project on behalf of the Department Design at Zurich University of the Arts. Stephan Wespi, co-ordinator for events at Bachelor of Arts in Design and Maike Thies are jointly responsible for the exhibition concept and its implementation. Patrik Ferrarelli (Assistant & Lecturer, Visual Communication) is responsible for the preparation of all print and online communication materials as well as brand development. The project team is composed of young representatives from the seven subject areas of the Department Design (in alphabetical order): Marco Bach, Patrik Ferrarelli, Caroline Feder, Helen Galliker, Flurina Gradin, Stephanie Grubenmann, Larissa Holaschke, Alessandro Holler, Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken, Aleksandra Szewc, Maike Thies, Stephan Wespi, Clemens Winkler.
Projects by Emerging Talents, ZHdK
Below is an initial list (in alphabetical order) of the exhibition projects which will be shown as part of 3DaysofDesign at the Festsalen in Designmuseum Danmark:
- Angst 360 Grad, Cast / Audiovisual Media
- BUX App, Cast / Audiovisual Media
- Poster works, Visual Communication
- Far: Lone Sails, Game Design
- Flux, Game Design
- Gender Salon, Trends & Identity
- Interdisciplinary Design Module, Bachelor of Arts in Design
- Monocular VR, Game Design
- Organism, Game Design
- Plunder Planet, Game Design
- Meantime VR, Game Design
- FREITAG-Case «The Re-Design of the Messenger Bag», Industrial Design in cooperation with Freitag
- The Perfect Cloud, Interaction Design
- Tangible Virtual Models, Knowledge Visualization
Swiss Design – Zurich Made
At the entrance of the Festsalen, Designmuseum Danmark, guests will be welcomed by the Swiss Pop-up Embassy which has received the Danish Design Award. The collaborative robot YuMI by ABB will also be on-site, as a showpiece for the innovative competence existing in Switzerland, which is of central importance to the design industry. Further rooms within the museum will provide visitors with more insights into the multi-faceted nature of Swiss design creation. The curatorial team of the Museum für Gestaltung Zurich, for example, is involved in a poster exhibition at the museum café, and its selection creates a link to the comprehensive design education offered at Zurich University of the Arts. Jonas Vögeli (Head of BA-Specialization, Visual Communication, Zurich University of the Arts), in collaboration with the Danish partner Officin and the Designmuseum Danmark, has curated the exhibition 100 Swiss Design Books which will be shown in the museum library. The selection underlines the autonomy, progressivity and future-oriented approach of Swiss graphic design.The seat/play sculpture Move ARt by Burri Public Elements, which has been nominated for the Danish Design Award, will be installed in the museum’s garden, inviting visitors to play and rest.
In the Swiss Design Lounge just next to the Pop-up Embassy (Entrance Festsalen), a number of businesses with strong design and innovative competence will present their work, supported by Switzerland Global Enterprise and Presence Switzerland. 3DaysofDesign will also lend an international platform to numerous Swiss design classics such as the Landi and Stella chairs or the multi-purpose stool Ulmer Hocker. Within its new focus on Culture & Business, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia enables young innovative design studios from Switzerland to establish contacts with leaders of the Danish design market and foster professional collaborations through individual matchmaking meetings.