Mobile Storytelling with the BUX App. Create the Experience of Culture for Copenhagen
The BUX app is a digital city guide for Zurich based on the city’s literary culture. On 12 walks users navigate through the city via GPS and learn interesting things about the history, the authors and their connection to the districts. The app offers a multi-media narration containing pictures, text, audio and videos as well 360° videos and Augmented Reality Features. The result is an experience in which the surroundings and the contents of the app are blended together. Literature becomes visible and tangible in the city. The concept of the BUX app is transferable to other topics (such as architecture, history or food) and cities (Copenhagen!). In this workshop you will reflect about where culture takes place in Copenhagen and how you might turn it into a visible and tangible experience. Together we will create walks and think about the types of content we can communicate through different media.